Syuen Hotel Ballroom for Wedding Function

Syuen Hotel Ballroom has one of the biggest space or ballroom area in Ipoh. The ambience is there for a grand wedding and can even be expanded until the Silverboat Restaurant area in case one might need to add more tables.

The stage is a large one where people from the back can also view without any problems. There is also ample space for projector sized backdrops too.

If one were to spend a little more on decorations, the place can light up and the ambience can be much better.

We have done many weddings and functions there and always come back with sweet memories as there can be many variable themes available from the management.


lotsachi said…
whoaaaaaaaaaaaa! i want my wedding to b like that! but, i'm still broke. gotta find myself a rich foxy babe sex kitten with a huge trust fund! ;P

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