Photography Classes

By just being a photographer sometimes is not enough. The joy of taking pictures and just sharing with customers their pictures is a good start. The joy and the "look" of the customers when they see themselves in the pictures that we take gives us tremendous satisfaction as it is.

The better way to get that kind of satisfaction is actually being able to share the knowledge around and get more people acquiring the skills to capture better pictures. Hence, we have photography classes for people who may want to learn more.

Some of our close friends and well wishing friends have asked this question. Would they take away your business? Personally, if they want to. Why not? Perhaps they could even be a part of the company as well.

Here's some of the pictures taken some time back when I was conducting classes for a reputable college here in Ipoh.

Perhaps I should start another class now. It's been quite some time now that I didn't do this.


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