Vilma and Ming

Imagine suddenly we at Jet Fynn Photography here in Ipoh received a phone call one lazy Sunday afternoon from overseas (USA, more specifically) asking us whether we accept bookings for a studio portraiture. Naturally we felt elated as they booked us 6 months ahead.

When the day came we were wondering how they look like, and wow! Both of them look fabulous!

We spent sometime chatting during the make-up and hairdo session and found that Ming was actually a local guy who is now based in USA and Vilma is a lawyer also based in USA but originally from Panama.

Here's the results from that studio session.

Vilma & Ming





the ~babygirl® said…
Wow you're getting more and more international 'projects'... that's great!

I guess you might be too busy for my wedding later on then hahaha

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