Colin and Lorraine Wedding

Colin and Lorraine's wedding as covered by the Ipoh Wedding Photographer. This lovely couple came to see us after getting to know us from various sources, ie: friends and relatives.

After they came to our studio to see our samples, suddenly it occurred to them that one of their cousin's wedding was covered by us as well.......... Perhaps at that time they did not realise that. Busy enjoying themselves to think about looking for the photographer....hahahah.

Anyway, showed them some of our samples and they confirmed us rather early. As Colin was filling out the form, I noticed that his dad's name looked so familiar. Jerry Francis. Hmmmm, where did that name came from, rings a bell. Suddenly it dawned on me that it was the Jerry Francis of New Straits Times where I applied a job as a stringer and a freelance photographer way back in 1986!

Anyway, back to the couple in today's post. Colin and Lorraine. Here's some images from their wedding.





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